
I'm using cocos2d js 3.8 with chipmunk physics, I'm trying to filter collision but it's not work, i have set shape.categoryBits =1;shape.maskBits =2; for player and shape.categoryBits =3;shape.maskBits =4; for enemies but they're still colliding. Did i do something wrong?


1 Answers


I'm not sure about js, but I think collision detection the same as in Cocos2d-x.
So, try set shape.categoryBits = 1; shape.maskBits = 1; for player and shape.categoryBits = 2; shape.maskBits = 2; for enemies. In this case, the hero should not collide the enemies, but the enemies should collide each other.
The basic idea is the condition for the non-colliding objects:

(shapeA.categoryBits & shapeB.maskBits == 0) || (shapeB.categoryBits & shapeA.maskBits == 0)

But now you have (0001 & 0100 == 0) || (0011 & 0010 == 0) is false because 0011 & 0010 = 0010, and condition is not met.