
I am using SAS for multiple imputation. After imputing data and using proc freq I want to have frequency tables of the imputed data. I am not able to produce frequency tables. Below is the code I have tried. Any help will be appreciated. I guess I am doing some mistake in second and third steps (codes).

proc    mi     data=data1 nimpute=5 seed=54321 out=imput
min= 27 1 1 17.6354
max= 77 6 3 46.6550;
class age work;
fcs discrim (work edu/details) reg(age bmi);
var age work edu bmi;

proc freq data=aa.osa_revised1;
tables work*edu/chisq;

proc freq data=imput;
tables _imputation_*work*edu/chisq;
ods output chisq=out;

proc mianalyze parms=out ;
modeleffects frequency percentage ;
run ;
Proc freq should work. Are there any errors or what happens?Reeza
Can you give more detail as to what you aren't able to produce from the frequency table? "Not able to produce a table" in SAS can mean a lot of things ;)Stu Sztukowski

1 Answers


Actually I get frequency table for all replicates seperately. I'm unable to get the combined frequency and chisq statistics using the last two codes.