This is a question I've dealt with many times and I WISH SAS had a better way of doing this.
My solution has been a macro that is generalized, provide your input data, your list of variables and the name of your output dataset. I take into consideration the format/type/label of the variable which you would have to do
Hope it helps:
Description: Creates a One-Way Freq table of variables including percent/count
dsetin - inputdataset
varlist - list of variables to be analyzed separated by spaces
dsetout - name of dataset to be created
Author: F.Khurshed
Date: November 2011
%macro one_way_summary(dsetin, varlist, dsetout);
proc datasets nodetails nolist;
delete &dsetout;
*loop through variable list;
%let i=1;
%do %while (%scan(&varlist, &i, " ") ^=%str());
%let var=%scan(&varlist, &i, " ");
%put &i &var;
*Cross tab;
proc freq data=&dsetin noprint;
table &var/ out=temp1;
*Get variable label as name;
data _null_;
set &dsetin (obs=1);
call symput('var_name', vlabel(&var.));
%put &var_name;
*Add in Variable name and store the levels as a text field;
data temp2;
keep variable value count percent;
Variable = "&var_name";
set temp1;
value=input(&var, $50.);
percent=percent/100; * I like to store these as decimals instead of numbers;
format percent percent8.1;
drop &var.;
%put &var_name;
*Append datasets;
proc append data=temp2 base=&dsetout force;
/*drop temp tables so theres no accidents*/
proc datasets nodetails nolist;
delete temp1 temp2;
*Increment counter;
%let i=%eval(&i+1);
%one_way_summary(sashelp.class, sex age, summary1);
proc report data=summary1 nowd;
column variable value count percent;
define variable/ order 'Variable';
define value / format=$8. 'Value';
define count/'N';
define percent/'Percentage %';