
I have dicomized raw signal data by using clear canvas library.(ecg voltage values) But,I have faced a problem about seperating the ecg channels. When I display the dicomized data on PACS system all the channels append each other and are visualized as single waveform. (However I put 12 into number of waveform channels variable and therefore there must be 12 different seperate channels.)

I have put correct values into "Number Of Waveform Samples" and "Number Of Waveform Channels" variables, but there must be something wrong.

How can I seperate this single ecg signal into multiple channels according to channel information?

This is a simple file I try to visualize on pacs server.


It has two channels but channels append each other and visualized on pacs.

Thank you for your helps.


2 Answers


I don’t see any issue in the DICOM attribute encoding, you just need to verify the waveform data matches the value in the DICOM attributes. Note that the waveform data values are expected to have interleaved encoding, incrementing by channel and then by sample (i.e., C1S1, C2S1, C3S1, … CnS1, C1S2, C2S2,C3S2, … CnSm), with no padding or explicit delimitation between successive samples. Cx denotes the channel defined in the Channel Definition Sequence ITEM in item number x.


According to your DICOM file, dataset only has two waveform channels. enter image description here