I suggest changing this section of your code
for p=2:length(y)-1
if(y(p) >y(p-1) && y(p) >y(p+1) && y(p)>th(p))
This is definitely flawed. I'm not sure of your logic here but what about this. We are looking for peaks, but only the high peaks, so first lets set a threshold value (you'll have to tweak this to a sensible number) and cull everything below that value to get rid of the smaller peaks:
th = max(y) * 0.9; %So here I'm considering anything less than 90% of the max as not a real peak... this bit really depends on your logic of finding peaks though which you haven't explained
Yth = zeros(length(y), 1);
Yth(y > th) = y(y > th);
OK so I suggest you now plot y and Yth to see what that code did. Now to find the peaks my logic is we are looking for local maxima i.e. points at which the first derivative of the function change from being positive to being negative. So I'm going to find a very simple numerical approximation to the first derivative by finding the difference between each consecutive point on the signal:
Ydiff = diff(Yth);
No I want to find where the signal goes from being positive to being negative. So I'm going to make all the positive values equal zero, and all the negative values equal one:
Ydiff_logical = Ydiff < 0;
finally I want to find where this signal changes from a zero to a one (but not the other way around)
Ypeaks = diff(Ydiff_logical) == 1;
Now count the peaks:
note that for plotting purpouse because of the use of diff we should pad a false to either side of Ypeaks so
Ypeaks = [false; Ypeaks; false];
OK so there is quite a lot of matlab there, I suggest you run each line, one by one and inspect the variable by both plotting the result of each line and also by double clicking the variable in the matlab workspace to understand what is happening at each step.
Example: (signal PeakSig
taken from http://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/findpeaks.html) and plotting with:
plot(x(Ypeaks),PeakSig(Ypeaks),'k^','markerfacecolor',[1 0 0]);
doesn't make a lot of sense asy(p)
is a scalar somax(y(p))
is justy(p)
, perhaps you meantmax(y)
? – Danfiltfilt
so there is no phase distortion - after all, in this case you ARE interested in what the time history looks like. You might also consider using the Pan & Tompkins algorithm, which works very well. – wakjah