To voxelise a mesh basically means to be able to determine for a point(x,y,z) if it is either inside or outside a mesh.
A mesh here is just a raw set of triangles. Being outside the mesh means that there is a ray from the point (with any direction) that does not intersect the mesh from any viewpoint.
For a well behaved, closed, non intersecting mesh, that is easy: Trace a ray in any direction, if the number of intersections is odd, the point is inside.
But for a "bad" mesh, composed of open parts this is terrible. For example the mesh could be two cubes connected by an open cylinder that sticks into both of them.
ZBuffer rendering solves this fine for one viewpoint. But the issue is for any viewpoint. To me the problem is well defined, but not obvious to solve.
I am looking for some pointers on how to approach this problem. There must be tons of research for it. Any links to papers? Or am I missing something in how to think about the problem?