We have a web app with pages that show users' recent tweets. The REST API only allows 180 requests per 15 minutes. So even if we cache tweets for a few minutes, we'll exceed the rate limit once we have a couple hundred users.
The project owner does not want users to have to provide their own API tokens, and the Twitter Embed widget doesn't match our UX requirements. So I'm looking for a solution.
The best I've come up with so far is:
- Standup a second web app that consumes the Streaming API and saves the collected tweets to a database that the main app can read from (Ugh!)
- Get a higher rate limit for the REST api (no idea if this is realistic)
- Create lots of Twitter accounts and use the individual tokens (Yuck!)
- Make requests to the Streaming API for past tweets (doesn't seem possible)
Hoping there's a better way.