I am trying to pull tweets over a 2 year period for a number of Twitter users. I am using the searchtweets library in Python and the sandbox version of the API.
I am using their Result Stream method:
import searchtweets
rule = gen_rule_payload("from:BBCNews", from_date="2017-01-01",
to_date="2017-01-01", results_per_call=100)
rs = ResultStream(rule_payload=create_rule(i),
**premium_search_args) # these are credentials, ommitted for security
tweets = list(rs.stream())
However, I get this returned:
HTTP Error code: 429: Request exceeds account’s current package request limits. Please upgrade your package and retry or contact Twitter about enterprise access.
I have reviewed the rate limits (https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/rate-limiting) and thought I had correctly deduced that the rate limit is 180 per 15 minutes for this sort of request, and therefore limiting max_results to 18,000 would prevent this one request for BBC News tweets exceeding the rate limit for a 15-minute window. There are 100 results returned in each request, so 18,000 results would be 100 results*180 requests.
This is not working, so I think I must have misunderstood. If anyone could provide some further insight that would be great.