The answer to this question of mine made me expect that (for matrices with 1/4 of non-vanishing entries) in Eigen the product Dense Matrix * Dense Vector should outperform Sparse Matrix*Dense Vector.
Not only do I see the opposite, but also both are outperformed by GSL by a factor of 7 and 4 respectively.
Am I using Eigen incorrectly? Am I timing carelessly? I am very startled.
My compile options read:
ludi@ludi-M17xR4:~/Desktop/tests$ g++ -o eigenfill.x -L/usr/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas && ./eigenfill.x
My code reads:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
#define helix 100
#define rows helix*helix
#define cols rows
#define filling rows/4
#define REPS 10
using namespace Eigen;
int FillSparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<double> & mat);
int FillDenseMatrices(MatrixXd & Mat, gsl_matrix *testmat);
double vee(int i, int j);
int set_vectors_randomly(gsl_vector * v2, VectorXd v1);
int main()
int rep;
struct timeval tval_before, tval_after, tval_result;
gsl_matrix *testmat = gsl_matrix_calloc(rows, cols);
gsl_vector *v2 =gsl_vector_calloc(cols);
gsl_vector *prod =gsl_vector_calloc(cols);
SparseMatrix<double> mat(rows,cols); // default is column major
MatrixXd Mat(rows,cols); // default is column major
VectorXd v1(cols), vv1(cols);
FillDenseMatrices(Mat, testmat);
printf("\n/*--- --- --- ---*/\n");
set_vectors_randomly(v2, v1);
gettimeofday(&tval_before, NULL);
vv1 = mat*v1;
gettimeofday(&tval_after, NULL);
timersub(&tval_after, &tval_before, &tval_result);
printf("Time for one product, SPARSE EIGEN / secs: %ld.%06ld\n", (long int)tval_result.tv_sec, (long int)tval_result.tv_usec);
gettimeofday(&tval_before, NULL);
gsl_blas_dgemv( CblasNoTrans,1.0, testmat, v2, 0.0, prod);
gettimeofday(&tval_after, NULL);
timersub(&tval_after, &tval_before, &tval_result);
printf("Time for one product, GSL / secs: %ld.%06ld\n", (long int)tval_result.tv_sec, (long int)tval_result.tv_usec);
gettimeofday(&tval_before, NULL);
vv1 = Mat*v1;
gettimeofday(&tval_after, NULL);
timersub(&tval_after, &tval_before, &tval_result);
printf("Time for one product, DENSE EIGEN / secs: %ld.%06ld\n", (long int)tval_result.tv_sec, (long int)tval_result.tv_usec);
printf("/*--- --- --- ---*/\n\n");
//std::cout << mat << std::endl;
printf("--- --- --->DONE\n");
/*-- --*/
int FillSparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<double> &mat)
int i, j;
Eigen::VectorXd Vres;
printf("Filling Sparse Matrix ...");
if(i%2500==0){printf("i= %i\n", i);}
if (vee(i,j) != 0){mat.insert(i,j) = vee(i,j); /*alternative: mat.coeffRef(i,j) += v_ij;*/ }
/*-- --*/
/*-- --*/
int FillDenseMatrices(MatrixXd &Mat, gsl_matrix * testmat)
int i, j;
Eigen::VectorXd Vres;
double aux;
printf("Filling Dense Matrix ...");
if(i%2500==0){printf("i= %i\n", i);}
aux = vee(i,j);
if (aux != 0)
Mat(i,j) = aux;
gsl_matrix_set(testmat, i, j, aux);
/*-- --*/
double vee(int i, int j)
double result = 0.0;
if(i%4 == 0){result =1.0;}
return result;
/*-- --*/
int set_vectors_randomly(gsl_vector * v2, VectorXd v1){
printf("Setting vectors rendomly anew ...\n");
for (int j=0;j<cols;j++)
double r=drand48();
v1(j) =r;
gsl_vector_set(v2, j, r);
/*-- --*/