If it is not possible to have the person who creates the Excel file each week to have them name the five columns "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", and "Friday", instead of "20151005", "20151006", "20151007", "20151008", and "20151009" (for example that which was applied for last week), then this can be done with the following steps.
- Create a new global user variable of type string in your SSIS package and call it something like "Day."
- In your derived column expression replace "20151005" for example with the new user variable. You can drag it down from above and it will look something like @[user::Day].
Now to dynamically populate that new Variable "Day", add a SQL script that runs the following SQL with a ResultSet of a single row. To the Result Set in the left add your user variable "Day" under the Variable Name column. Give the Result Name a value of "0". Under General, set the Source Type to Direct Input and provide the following SQL that will return the date value of Monday of the previous week in the yyyymmdd format.
declare @date as datetime
set @date = dateadd(week, datediff(week, 0, getdate()-7), 0)
select cast(year(@date) as char(4)) + right('00' + convert(varchar(2), month(@date)), 2) + right('00' + convert(varchar(2), day(@date)), 2)
The key here is that you can run the SSIS package any day of the following week and it will capture this information for the Monday of the prior week. But if you skip a week, it will be looking for a column that no longer exists. The alternative to applying a SQL script to capture the date of the previous week's date for Monday is to read the first column from the worksheet directly and this becomes complex, because it involves using a script task using Visual Basic or C# instead... requiring Excel references. Much more involved but can be done.
Hope this helps.