Reading from a flat file that has a column containing the year and month in the following format --> "201212".
I need to insert this into a DATETIME2 column but first I must parse it with "/" and add a "01" as the day. Such that 201212 would become 2012/12/01
My expression in my Derived Column Transformation looks like this:
(DT_DBTIMESTAMP2,0)((DT_WSTR,4)SUBSTRING(RptMthDTM,1,4) + "/" + (DT_WSTR,2)SUBSTRING(RptMthDTM,5,2) + "/" + "01")
This seems like it should work and SSIS accepts this(as in it can parse the expression) but when running the package it throws a completely useless error "An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast." along with the column it had the error on.
I didn't build this package, it was pawned off on me and I was told to get it working.
Thanks in advance interwebs family.
accurate? Or should that have been20121212
(YYYYMMDD)? – billinkc