I'm facing some issues in an Ember.js application and some sendAction that do not work. Basically, I have: - an Input component (the one triggering the action) - one controller/template (that contains the rendering of the component) - one other controller / template, in which we render the previous controller.
Here's the code.
First, the text field component:
Tm.JiraCloudInputComponent = Ember.TextField.extend({
keyDown: function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
blur: function () {
The controller that has the actions:
Tm.JiraCloudController = Ember.Controller.extend({
jiraCloudEnabled: Ember.computed.oneWay('content.jiraCloudEnabled'),
jiraCloudUrl: Ember.computed.oneWay('content.jiraCloudUrl'),
successMessage: '',
errorMessage: '',
actions: {
saveJiraCloudUrl: function () {
if (Tm.isEmpty(this.get('jiraCloudUrl'))) {
} else {
cancelJiraCloudUrl: function () {
this.set('jiraCloudUrl', this.get('model.jiraCloudUrl'));
this.set('jiraCloudEnabled', this.get('model.jiraCloudEnabled'));
and its associated template:
{{#default-box id="jira-cloud-settings" class="box-full-width"}}
{{box-header title="settings.jira_cloud"}}
{{jira-cloud-input class="form-control" value=jiraCloudUrl placeholder="Jira cloud url"}}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" title="Link Jira cloud" {{action "saveJiraCloudUrl"}}>Link Jira cloud</button>
Note: the boxes (default-box, box-content) are also components.
And last, the template in which we render the previous controller:
{{render "jiraCloud" content}}
I can't find anything obvious why it does not work. No error is raised by the 'sendAction' calls. Note that the action on the button works like a charm.
Thanks for your help, Vincent