I have a controller in EmberJS with an action, inside the route template I'm calling a component, and passing the controller's action to the component as a parameter. Just like documentation says in EmberJS 2.20 Triggering changes with actions
When I'm trying to call the "parent"
action inside the component, the return is undefined, but if I throw on console, "this"
element and inspect its attr, the function is there.
Controller js code:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
addAlumn (){
firstName : this.get('firstName'),
lastName : this.get('lastName')
Route hbs template:
{{#validated-form submit=(action 'addAlumn') saveBtn=true }} ... {{/validated-form}}
Validated-form hbs template
{{#if saveBtn}}
<a href="#" class="btn primary save"{{action "validateAndSubmit"}}>Add <span class="icon-check"></span></a>
Validate-form js code
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions : {
As I said, the results on console are:
> validate
> Class {__ember1449505261281: "ember496", __ember_meta__: Meta, parentView: Class, HAS_BLOCK [id=__ember1449505261281400801945202]: true, _targetObject: Class…}
> undefined
Any clues on why this is not triggering the event? Maybe is because the guide example is working just with components and I'm using a controller?