
Could you please suggest. I have two files each have 80 to 90k product and these two files are interlinked with each other(one file have information on other) and i need to generate one single file by looking up the other files. These files probably comes in the sameTime with different name. Both the files are csv and i need to generate the new csv.

Is that the only way I should keep any one of these files in memory and keep looking by iterating.

I planned to use Batch inside dataMapper. Is there any way we can keep the first file in Datamapper userDefined table or something like that.And the getting the new file to make a look up on it.( I'm not provided with external DB)

If any one of the file have some 5000 or 10k lines it the sense, i can keep that in memory and make the 80k file to look on it. I'm not comfortable to keep 80 or 90k file in memory.

Have reference this link: Mule ESB - design a multi file processing flow when files are dependent on each other.

Could you please suggest me the best solution. Also any idea How long to process the file it does take, Thanks in advance.

Mule studio:5.3.1 and Runtime: 3.7.2


1 Answers


I would think of the problem as two distinct events from Mule's perspective, and plan to keep state from the first one in a "database" of some kind. This doesn't have to be an Oracle cluster or anything, you can run H2 in process or Redis on the same server as Mule for example.

I think you're on the right track with the Batch idea. When the first file is received, I'd create a record for each in a batch job. Then when the second file is received, I'd run a second batch job that looks up the relevant information from the database, and generates the CSV file you need. It could also remove the records that have been matched from the database in a subsequent batch step.

For the transformations, I'd recommend trying DataWeave instead of DataMapper. It's a better way to write transformation logic, and Mulesoft has deprecated DataMapper, to be removed as of Mule 4.0.