
First, and sorry, Im a mule newb. Im trying to take a large XML file and split it into multiple files. I keep running into out of memory exceptions. I understand that I need to stream so Im not loading everything into memory, but from there my google-fu is letting me down. So I have the following questions:

  • Is there a way that I can make this happen without writing code (simply via a mule flow)?
  • What are the basic steps? Not asking for a complete solution, just a push in the right direction please. Here are the ones that I have tried and failed with:

File (streaming) -> DataMapper (streaming) -> Dom-to-Xml-transformer -> File

File (streaming) -> Splitter (using xpath) -> aggegator -> foreach (Dom-to-Xml-transformer -> File)

Thanks in advance.


2 Answers


The current implementation of streaming in DataMapper works only for the output.

If you are receiving an InputStream that you'd like to stream you would need a previous step before DataMapper, which is to use a component or transformer and process that InputStream using SAX. You would actually need to write code.


It looks like Mule provides its own implementation of StAX


I'm not sure if it works well, but it could definitely be of help for your problem