I have an object that looks like this:
"id": "someId",
"name": "some name",
"endpoints": [
{ "scheme": "http", "host":"localhost", "port":"8080" }
I want to edit this data in a Marionette app. I've defined:
- a Backbone Model for my outermost object, let's call it Server
- a Backbone Model for Endpoint
- a Backbone Collection for Servers
- a Backbone Collection for Endpoints
My goal is to have a form that allows N number of endpoints to be added such that when the form is submitted, I will persist the entire object (the server data and the list of endpoints).
To implement this I first overrode the parse function to instantiate the Endpoints collection like this:
parse: function(response) {
var data = response;
if (response.endpoints) {
data.endpoints = new Entities.EndpointCollection(response.endpoints, {parse: true});
return data;
Then, I created a LayoutView that holds my server related fields and contains a region for my list of endpoints. My Controller instantiates the view and passes in the Server model. My Controller also instantiates a CollectionView and passes in the Server's endpoints collection.
The form renders as expected with input controls for id, name, and repeating sets of inputs for as many endpoints as I have in my object.
However, it is not clear to me how serialization is supposed to work with this setup. If I remove an endpoint by destroying its model, the endpoint is removed when the data is persisted. However, if I change any of the endpoint data, those changes are ignored.
In my form submit handler I can iterate over the endpoints but those models do not reflect the changed form values.
submitClicked: function (e) {
var data = Backbone.Syphon.serialize(this); // I know this is not enough
var endpoints = this.model.get("endpoints");
for (var i = 0; i < endpoints.length; i++) {
var endpoint = endpoints.models[i];
alert("got endpoint: " + endpoint.get("host"));
this.trigger("form:submit", data);
I assume there is a fundamental misunderstanding in how best to handle repeating groups within a form. What am I missing?