I am currently working with the "NinjaForms" plugin for WordPress, which provides custom form management for the backend. It's based on Marionette / Backbone JS. After some research, I had no problem triggering JavaScript functions on input change and on form submit. However, I have not found a way to fish for an event once the form is initialised / rendered / shown (any of these, really).
What I am doing right now is initialising a Marionette object, adding listeners to a radio and then adding functions to execute it on event:
if(typeof Marionette !== 'undefined') {
var mySubmitController = Marionette.Object.extend( {
initialize: function() {
// init listener
this.listenTo( Backbone.Radio.channel( 'forms' ), 'view:show', this.initAction);
// field change listener
this.listenTo( Backbone.Radio.channel( 'fields' ), 'change:modelValue', this.valueChanged);
// submit listener
this.listenTo( Backbone.Radio.channel( 'forms' ), 'submit:response', this.actionSubmit );
// init action
initAction: function() {
// input update action
valueChanged: function(model) {
// submit action
actionSubmit: function( response ) {
// handled via php
// initialise listening controller for ninja form
new mySubmitController();
However, the line this.listenTo( Backbone.Radio.channel( 'forms' ), 'view:show', this.initAction);
is not working. I have tried the events view:render
, view:show
, show:view
, render:view
without success.
I searched in the Backbone / Marionette documentations, but could not find a fitting event. This question might be a duplicate, but I could not really find any topic regarding form initialisation events with Backbone.
lib – taburetkin