I'm writing a PowerShell v5 script to launch our automated NAnt-based build process. I also have a Custom Task (GetLatestFromLabel) written in C#. When I run the build in a DOS command window the build completes successfully however when I run the build process from my PowerShell v5 script it seems to be prepending a local Windows file path to the TFS Sourcecode location.
C:\Windows\sysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\$\AHLTAPrint\AWP 2.x.
Here is the error I'm getting:
[echo] NewFolderVersion =
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.ItemNotMappedException: There is no working folder mapping for C:\Windows\sysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\$\AHLTAPrint\AWP 2.x.
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Client.GetLocalWorkspace(String localPath, Boolean throwIfNotFound)
at AHLTA.NAnt.TFS.Tasks.GetFromLabelTask.ExecuteTask() in c:\Workspaces\Ahltaprint\Build\NAnt.Extensions.Extended\AHLTA.NAnt.TFS.Tasks\Tasks\GetFromLabelTask.cs:line 66
at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies)
at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies)
at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()
Here is my NAnt Target:
<target name="SourceControl.GetLatestFromLabel">
<property name="Private.SourceCodeFoldersfolders" value="$/AHLTAPrint/AWP 2.x" />
<property name="Private.SourceCodeFoldersDelimiter" value="|" />
<echo message="NewFolderVersion = ${NewFolderVersion}" />
<tfsgetfromlabel tfsfolders ="${Private.SourceCodeFoldersfolders}"
<connectioninformation refid="TFSConnection" />
This is the ExecuteTask portion of the Custom Task:
protected override void ExecuteTask()
VersionControlServer vcs = base.TheConnectionInformation.GetVersionControlServer();
if (vcs != null)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TheFolderDelimiter))
/*** Only one folder ***/
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TheTFSFolders))
LabelVersionSpec version = new LabelVersionSpec(TheLabelName);
Workspace ws = vcs.GetWorkspace(TheTFSFolders);
if (ws != null)
string[] items = { TheTFSFolders };
GetStatus gs = ws.Get(items, version, RecursionType.Full, GetOptions.Overwrite | GetOptions.GetAll);
// multiple folders in a string
string[] folders = TheTFSFolders.Split(TheFolderDelimiter.ToCharArray());
LabelVersionSpec version = new LabelVersionSpec(TheLabelName);
for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; ++i)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(folders[i]))
Workspace ws = vcs.GetWorkspace(folders[i]);
if (ws != null)
string[] items = { folders[i] };
Console.WriteLine("Getting Latest Code in " + items[0].ToString() + " From Label " + version.Label);
GetStatus gs = ws.Get(items, version, RecursionType.Full, GetOptions.Overwrite | GetOptions.GetAll);
Any idea what's going on or how I can correct this?