There are many answers here already.
In short I support those that propose to use System.Drawing.ColorTranslator
I get that some people want to avoid System.Windows.Media
so there is the other solution, and since you want to have a System.Drawing.Color
you should have a reference to System.Drawing
already in your project.
So in short: Use the Framework if you can.
A more complete native solution
So, if for some reason you want to avoid System.Drawing.ColorTranslator
and create your own implementation, you should at least make it respect the specifications
So this is a solution that does #RGB
and #RGBA
shorthand - and extended color definition
public static Color ParseHtmlColor(string htmlColor) => Color.FromArgb(HtmlColorToArgb(htmlColor));
public static int HtmlColorToArgb(string htmlColor, bool requireHexSpecified = false, int defaultAlpha = 0xFF)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlColor))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(htmlColor));
if (!htmlColor.StartsWith("#") && requireHexSpecified)
throw new ArgumentException($"Provided parameter '{htmlColor}' is not valid");
htmlColor = htmlColor.TrimStart('#');
var symbolCount = htmlColor.Length;
var value = int.Parse(htmlColor, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
switch (symbolCount)
case 3:
return defaultAlpha << 24
| (value & 0xF)
| (value & 0xF) << 4
| (value & 0xF0) << 4
| (value & 0xF0) << 8
| (value & 0xF00) << 8
| (value & 0xF00) << 12
case 4:
return (value & 0xF) << 24
| (value & 0xF) << 28
| (value & 0xF0) >> 4
| (value & 0xF0)
| (value & 0xF00)
| (value & 0xF00) << 4
| (value & 0xF000) << 4
| (value & 0xF000) << 8
case 6:
return defaultAlpha << 24 | value;
case 8:
return (value & 0xFF) << 24 | (value >> 8);
throw new FormatException("Invalid HTML Color");
If you for some reason don't want to use System.Globalization
I'm sure you'll find a code snipped for parsing hex symbols.
public static void TestColors()
foreach (var testCase in TestCases) TestColor(testCase);
static string[] TestCases = new string[] {
public static void TestColor(string htmlColor)
Console.Write($" {htmlColor} -> ");
var color = ParseHtmlColor(htmlColor);
Console.WriteLine("0x" + color.ToArgb().ToString("X"));
Feel free to remove the paramters, they only intend to show how you could tweak the function to handle format errors and defaults.
The error messages are not very descriptive at the moment
is an HTML (or hexadecimal) color code, not a hash code. Please learn the difference. – SLaks