Piece of code on Unix Server is not working, but works on PC SAS. When executed in UNIX SAS, the output datasets pc_pf_yes_1 and pc_pf_no_1 both have 0 observations, but no error is observed. In PC SAS, the code works fine and populates the datasets as intended.
The below datastep is within a macro.
data pc_pf_yes_1 pc_pf_no_1;
set pc_&month._2;
if primary_flag = "Y" then output pc_pf_yes_1;
else if primary_flag = "N" then output pc_pf_no_1;
primary_flag is a binary variable with values Y and N, stored as a string length 1. &month. is a macro variable that stores a month name for data selection.
Is there a quirk with UNIX SAS within a macro that I don't know about?
set pc_jun_2;
to be sure it is not a problem of setting the macro variable or not accesable datasets under unix. You use no library when accessing the pc_month_2 dataset, are you sure the work-dataset is existing on unix? – kl78