I want to create a unix utility to insert 1 row into a sas dataset. When run, this scipt will ask user to insert value for each variable in the dataset(preferabely telling him the type and length of the variable). It will then pass these values to SAS using EXPORT command and then SAS will create macro variable for these variables and using 'proc sql; insert into' will insert the value into dataset.
data raw_str;
/* init PDV */
if 0 then
set tracking_data;
/* programmatic structure to enable addressing of vars */
array a_c(*) _character_;
array a_n(*) _numeric_;
now raw_str will variables whose type and length be same as that of the tracking data
proc sql noprint;
select distinct name
into : varlist separated by ' '
from dictionary.columns
where libname='WORK'
and memname='raw_str';
then i want to pass this list to unix, from there i will ask user to enter value for these variables and then i will append these values into the tracking_data using.
problem is with passing values from unix to sas and creating macro variables for these values
I can also pass the length and type of variable to the front end, telling user to pass value which matched the type and length of raw_str dataset
proc sql;
insert into raw_str
values (&val1, &val2, &val3...);
finally i can use proc append to append it into the original data