
On APEX 5.0, I tried to add date validation in "From" date of my form to show errors on page when From date entered is today's date. On processing page I created new validation name with following settings. With below settings still the validation is not working, could you please suggest where I am doing wrong.

Type -> PL/SQL expression 2)PL/SQL expression -> to_char(to_date(:P5_NEW_8,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS'),'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS') < to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS') where P5_NEW_8 is the "From" date picker item where date entered is of format YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS.

Error message -> From: date needs to before today

Associated Item -> P5_NEW_8

Condition -> When Button Pressed -> New_7

New_7 button has a dynamic action to display result on my bar chart.

Condition Type -> Request is contained in Value

Value -> Create, Save

How is it not working?is there an error showing?is the buttong not displaying?please be detailed about your problem.thanksbrenners1302
when I click on the button for which the condition is "When button pressed" ,the validation should occur for the date picker item which is not happening.Mukul Sharma
just try removing the condition type under the dynamic action, so you can submit the page.just to see whether the validation is workingbrenners1302
I removed "Request is contained in Value" from condition type but still the validation is not working. what else shall I check?Mukul Sharma
Have you tried setting the action of the button to submit page?brenners1302

1 Answers


There is no need to cast the dates to varchar2, by doing that you are doing string comparison i.e. 12-01-2010 is larger then 02-09-2016, not date comparison.

So use instead a simpler: to_date(:P5_NEW_8,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS') < sysdate