The problem is, when I transpose the DataFrame, the header of the transposed DataFrame becomes the Index numerical values and not the values in the "id" column. See below original data for examples:
Original data that I wanted to transpose (but keep the 0,1,2,... Index intact and change "id" to "id2" in final transposed DataFrame).
DataFrame after I transpose, notice the headers are the Index values and NOT the "id" values (which is what I was expecting and needed)
Logic Flow
First this helped to get rid of the numerical index that got placed as the header: How to stop Pandas adding time to column title after transposing a datetime index?
Then this helped to get rid of the index numbers as the header, but now "id" and "index" got shuffled around: Reassigning index in pandas DataFrame & Reassigning index in pandas DataFrame
But now my id and index values got shuffled for some reason.
How can I fix this so the columns are [id2,600mpe, au565...]?
How can I do this more efficiently?
Here's my code:
DF = pd.read_table(data,sep="\t",index_col = [0]).transpose() #Add index_col = [0] to not have index values as own row during transposition
m, n = DF.shape
DF.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True)
This didn't help much: Add indexed column to DataFrame with pandas