I have a Pandas dataframe as follows:
In [10]: libor_table
Euribor interest rate - 3 months Euribor interest rate - 6 months \
2015-07-17 -0.019% 0.049%
2015-07-16 -0.019% 0.049%
2015-07-15 -0.019% 0.049%
2015-07-14 -0.019% 0.049%
2015-07-13 -0.019% 0.049%
GBP LIBOR - 3 months GBP LIBOR - 6 months USD LIBOR - 3 months \
2015-07-17 0.58375% 0.75406% 0.29175%
2015-07-16 0.58438% 0.75313% 0.28700%
2015-07-15 0.58406% 0.75063% 0.28850%
2015-07-14 0.58219% 0.74250% 0.28850%
2015-07-13 0.58188% 0.73750% 0.28880%
USD LIBOR - 6 months
2015-07-17 0.46020%
2015-07-16 0.45570%
2015-07-15 0.46195%
2015-07-14 0.46345%
2015-07-13 0.46340%
The index is in datetime:
In [11]: libor_table.index
DatetimeIndex(['2015-07-17', '2015-07-16', '2015-07-15', '2015-07-14',
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None, tz=None)
My problem is when I then make the table into an HTML table using to_html()
. The standard dataframe converts to an HTML table just fine:
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
<th>Euribor interest rate - 3 months</th>
<th>Euribor interest rate - 6 months</th>
<th>GBP LIBOR - 3 months</th>
<th>GBP LIBOR - 6 months</th>
<th>USD LIBOR - 3 months</th>
<th>USD LIBOR - 6 months</th>
However I would like to tranpose the dataframe for the HTML output - libor_table.transpose().to_html()
, when I do so pandas adds the time to the column title like so:
<table border="1" class="dataframe">
<tr style="text-align: right;">
<th>2015-07-17 00:00:00</th>
<th>2015-07-16 00:00:00</th>
<th>2015-07-15 00:00:00</th>
<th>2015-07-14 00:00:00</th>
<th>2015-07-13 00:00:00</th>
<th>Euribor interest rate - 3 months</th>
<th>Euribor interest rate - 6 months</th>
<th>GBP LIBOR - 3 months</th>
<th>GBP LIBOR - 6 months</th>
<th>USD LIBOR - 3 months</th>
<th>USD LIBOR - 6 months</th>
Why does Pandas do this and is there a way of stopping it?
EDIT: This bug is submitted here.
libor_table.index = libor_table.index.date libor_table.T.to_html()
worth posting as an issue: github.com/pydata/pandas/issues – EdChum