Executing the following query with the Z3 solver:
(declare-const c0 Int)
(declare-const c1 Int)
(declare-const c2 Int)
(assert (exists ((c0_s Int) (c1_s Int) (c2_s Int))
(= (+ c0 c1 c2) 5) (>= c0 0) (>= c1 1) (>= c2 1)
(= c0_s c0) (= c1_s (- c1 1)) (= c2_s (+ c2 1))
(= c2_s 3) (= (+ c0_s c1_s) 2)
(apply (then qe ctx-solver-simplify propagate-ineqs))
produces the following output:
(>= c0 0)
(<= c0 2)
(>= c1 1)
(<= c1 3)
(<= (+ (* (- 1) c0) (* (- 1) c1)) (- 3))
(<= (+ c1 c0) 3)
(= c2 2)
:precision precise :depth 3)
where I was expecting a result from the Z3 solver like this:
(>= c0 0)
(<= c0 2)
(>= c1 1)
(<= c1 3)
(= (+ c1 c0) 3)
(= c2 2)
:precision precise :depth 3)
Can anyone explain why Z3 is producing such a complex result instead of what I expected? Is there a way to get Z3 to simplify this output?