Is there any way to use something like this?
$foo = "{{ object|filter }}";
Because I'm trying to write a dynamic image converter that needs to output something like the example, but when in my twig I use {{ foo }}
, it just outputs a raw string {{ object|filter }}
instead of executhing the filter on the object as intended.
I've tried to use {{ foo | raw }}
but same result.
What I'm trying to do exactly
$image = $em->getRepository('AcmeDemo:Media')->find($id);
$image_src = sprintf("{{ %s | imagine_filter('%s') }}", $image->getWebPath(), 'front_small');
return $this->render('image.html.twig', array(
'image_src' => $image_src
<img src="{{ image_src }}"/>
So, I have a twig function inside a PHP variable $image_src
, that Twig function could be, once formatted with sprintf
{{ '/uploads/foo.jpg' | imagine_filter('front_small') }}
That is a string for now, because it's inside a php variable $image_src
, that variable is sent to my Twig template with the name image_src
so, for now it is a string as I've said, if I do
My variable contains "{{ image_src }}"
It will output a string that says:
My variable contains "{{ '/uploads/foo.jpg' | imagine_filter('front_small') }}"
Because, as I've said, image_src
is just a string, but I want to acutally execute inside my Twig, the string that contains image_src
, because yes, it is a string (to the eyes of the compiler) but we all know it is or it is pretended to be a Twig function (because of the syntax).
So, why | raw
will not work?, because it is inteded to be used with strings containing HTML
code, if it were HTML
syntax it would work, but it's a Twig
syntax, so It doesn't work.
Resuming, there should be a | compile
twig function that executes Twig code inside a variable like | raw
does with HTML, but, as this function doesn't exists, I'm wondering if there's a way to achieve it...
As @joshua said, it's like a Javascript eval
I hope I've explained good what is the problem and what I need.
I've used my own twig extension Compile
in order to achieve what I needed.
class CompileExtension extends \Twig_Extension
public function getFilters()
return array(
'compile' => new \Twig_Filter_Method($this, 'compile', array(
'needs_environment' => true,
'needs_context' => true,
'is_safe' => array('compile' => true)
public function compile(\Twig_Environment $environment, $context, $string)
$loader = $environment->getLoader();
$compiled = $this->compileString($environment, $context, $string);
return $compiled;
public function compileString(\Twig_Environment $environment, $context, $string)
$environment->setLoader(new \Twig_Loader_String());
return $environment->render($string, $context);
public function getName()
return 'compile';
UPDATE Accepting @Benjamin Paap answer because it does exactly what I wanted in this case with better code, but my custom Twig class works for every situation.
{{ foo|raw }}
should work : – JC Samaeval
, don't you? I don't think that the twig guys put a feature that possibly dangerous aseval
into their project. – Joshua