
If | is my cursor position

 List<String> words = Arrays.asList(|"all cats are grey".split(" "));

Then I would like a shortcut to jump to the closing bracket

 List<String> words = Arrays.asList("all cats are grey".split(" ")|);

Note, as per this question the shortcuts Ctrl+{ and Ctrl+} work for jumping between braces { } but not for brackets ( )

Note 2: with standard IntelliJ keymap


2 Answers


I don't think there exsists a shortcut for round parenthesis. I am working with ItelliJ for years, never found one.

Ctrl +Key depends on your Keymap. You can change it in Settings -> Keymap -> [Keymaps:]. I haven't found round parenthesis, but i could have overlooked it.

Edit: A possible solution would be, to install the Plugin IdeaVim and use Shift + %



It looks like there isn't a specific action to move cursor to the matching bracket.

This does it in 2 keystrokes and is the best I've found: Ctrl+W which selects the block up to the matching bracket, then

That's almost as quick, and better than switching to the mouse.