
What is the keymap for navigating to the matching brace in IntelliJ IDEA?

public void blah() {|


If | is my cursor, I would like to jump to the closing brace with this keymap.

I took the liberty of changing "bracket" to "brace" because this is what your example shows - and the accepted answer doesn't work for bracketsAndrew Spencer

6 Answers


I've only verified this with IntelliJ 9 but:

On Windows:

  • Ctrl+} will move to the close bracket.

  • Ctrl+{ will move to the open bracket.

On Mac:

  • Use cmd instead of Ctrl.

As an alternative to Ctrl+} and Ctrl+{ you can by default use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+9 and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+8 respectively. I haven't even tried to remember that yet. ;)

Also in Settings -> (IDE Settings ->) Keymap -> Editor Actions there's an entry called "Move Caret to Matched Brace" that doesn't have a default key mapping. I mapped it to Ctrl+< because the key combination was unmapped and the keys are close to each other on a german keyboard.

This applies to IDEA 12.


Its ^M (control + M) on my Mac using IDEA v15 and keeping the default keymap for MacOSX 10.5+

If you are not sure go to prefs and search for "Move Caret to Matching Brace". That's the name of the command and you can set your own shortcut!


On some keyboards, including Swedish ones, it's not practical to use Ctrl-} or Ctrl-{. The best approach I've found under those circumstances is to double-click the bracket in view, which highlights everything between the brackets, then use left-arrow or right-arrow to move to the appropriate end of the highlighted region.


Ctrl+} and Ctrl+{ only moves the cursor to the closes corresponding brace that embraces ( with its counterpart) the place where you called the shortcut.

Ctrl+Shift+} and Ctrl+Shift+{ moves the cursor to the same brace as the first mentioned shortcut and highlights all the area between start point and the result brace.

Ctrl+Shift+M moves the cursor to the opposite or nearest embracing brace or bracket of any sort ( ), { }, < >, [ ].

The last one can be changed in the settings.


@dhable is also right but you can also do this mouse

place the cursor with braces and double click so this will select or highlight the code bw braces

enter image description here