I am getting error while anding new pod file to my existing file. Then i run command to update but it showing the following errro.
The iPhonePoker [Release]
target overrides the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
build setting defined in Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods.release.xcconfig'.
This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
Use the
flag, orRemove the build settings from the target.
[!] The iPhonePoker [AdHoc]
target overrides the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
build setting defined
in Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods.adhoc.xcconfig'.
This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
Use the
flag, orRemove the build settings from the target. COG-MAC-003:PT
Please check this and let me know where i am wrong