
Somehow, I keep on getting this error

Installer version 3.2.0 (windows) Using Locale: en_US Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI. SDK version Apache Flex SDK 4.14.1 AIR version 16.0 Flash Player version 16.0 Creating Apache Flex home Creating temporary directory Downloading Apache Flex SDK from: http://mirror.rise.ph/apache/flex/4.14.1/binaries/apache-flex-sdk-4.14.1-bin.zip Verifying Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature The Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature of the downloaded files does not match the reference value. The file is invalid, installation is aborted. Installation aborted


1 Answers


Looks like an issue with the Apache Flex Installer. If you post the console log on [email protected], someone should be able to look into it.