
I have an adobe AIR app developed for iOS devices and I use Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 to create the .ipa file.

Up to version 23 of the AIR SDK the app was working fine. With version 24 of the AIR SDK a Permissions class was added when trying to access the device camera. And now one should programmatically handle the permissions when accessing the camera as follows: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2250328

I have tried implementing the given example in my codebase, and in the following snippet, I have null references to the permissions as follows:

   private function connect():void {      
        if (Camera.permissionStatus/*permissionStatus is null*/ != PermissionStatus.GRANTED)
                    function(e:PermissionEvent):void {
                        if (e.status == PermissionStatus.GRANTED) {
                        } else {
                            // permission denied

                try {
                    cam.requestPermission(); // **when calling this one my app crashes**
                } catch(e:Error) {
                    // another request is in progress
         } else {

    private function connectCamera():void
        video = new Video(640, 480);

My hunch is that when debugging on the device the Flash Builder is using the flex sdk instead of the AIR SDK which makes the aforementioned properties/methods unavailable as stated in the SDK documentation: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/media/Camera.html where one can see that the permissionStatus method is only available for the AIR runtime.

Therefore, how can I check and make sure that I am debugging using the AIR runtime and eventually avoid my app to crash when asking the user for camera permissions.

I had performance issues with Starling + AIR 24 and there was a related thread on Starling forum ( forum.starling-framework.org/topic/air-24-performance-issues ) so it is not just my imagination. It is possible that AIR 24 is a bad release in many ways and you might want to revert to AIR 23 instead of looking for workarounds.Organis

1 Answers


Maybe this? https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2264992

Kindly include cocoa keys under tag in app.xml For Example, If you are trying to access the Camera in your application, you need to include below tag under NSCameraUsageDescription "SOME TEXT"
Please refer to below link for detailed information on cocoa keys: Cocoa Keys