I am using identify to explore specific features of clusters in a dendrogram in R. Identify is working perfectly fine by using a 'hclust' object, but I need it for a horizontal dendrogram of class 'dendrogram' instead of 'hclust'. I have the package dendextend installed which should normally extend the functionality of identify to objects of class dendrogram and to horizontal dendrograms ( http://rpackages.ianhowson.com/cran/dendextend/man/identify.dendrogram.html). For my specific dataset, identify is working for a vertical dendrogram (of class dendrogram), but is not working for a horizontal one. The error that I always get is:
Error in rect.dendrogram(x, k = k, x = X$x, cluster = cluster[, k - 1], :
k must be between 2 and 10
Please find here a reproducible and simplified example:
#Install packages
#Load packages
#Create fake dataset (each row is a sequence of characters)
a <- c(rep('A',50), rep('B',50))
seqdf <- rbind(a=a, b=sample(a), c=sample(a), d=sample(a), e=sample(a), f=sample(a),g=sample(a),h=sample(a),
i=sample(a), j=rep('A',100),k=rep('B',100),l=sample(a))
colnames(seqdf)<- paste(rep('a',100),c(1:100),sep='')
#Turn it into a sequence object
seq_def <- seqdef(seqdf, 1:100, id = rownames(seqdf), xtstep = 4)
#Calculate the dissimilarity (hamming distance) between sequences
hd <- seqdist(seq_def, method = "HAM", with.missing = TRUE)
dimnames(hd) <- rows
#Perform Ward clustering on dissimilarity matrix hd
ward <- hclust(as.dist(hd), method = "ward.D2")
#Dendrogram object
dend <- as.dendrogram(ward)
#Horizontal dendrogram
plot(dend, horiz=TRUE)
identify(dend, horiz=TRUE) # HERE IDENTIFY GIVES AN ERROR
#Vertical dendrogram
identify(dend) # this works, there is no error
Hope somebody knows how to solve this problem.