I am trying to create a dendrogram, were my samples have 5 group codes (act as sample name/species/etc but its repetitive).
Therefore, I have two issues that a help will be great:
How can I show the group codes in leaf label (instead of the sample number)?
I wish to assign a color to each code group and colored the leaf label according to it (it might happen that they will not be in the same clade and by that I can find more information)?
Is it possible to do so with my script to do so (ape or ggdendro):
sample<-read.table("C:/.../DOutput.txt", header=F, sep="")
groupCodes <- sample[,1]
d <- dist(sample2, method = "euclidean")
fit <- hclust(d, method="ward")
plot(as.phylo(fit), type="fan")
ggdendrogram(fit, theme_dendro=FALSE)
A random dataframe to replace my read.table:
sample = data.frame(matrix(floor(abs(rnorm(20000)*100)),ncol=200))
groupCodes <- c(rep("A",25), rep("B",25), rep("C",25), rep("D",25)) # fixed error
sample2 <- data.frame(cbind(groupCodes), sample)