First off, if you just want the number of observations, you can get that trivially from dictionary.tables
or sashelp.vtable
without any loops.
proc sql;
select memname, nlobs
from dictionary.tables
where libname='SNAP1';
This is fine to retrieve number of rows if you haven't done anything that would cause the number of logical observations to differ - usually a delete in proc sql.
Second, if you're interested in the number of valid responses, there are easier non-loopy ways too.
For example, given whatever query that you can write determining your table names, we can just put them all in a set
statement and count in a simple data step.
%let varname=mycol; *the column you are counting;
%let libname=snap1;
proc sql;
select cats("&libname..",memname)
into :tables separated by ' '
from dictionary.tables
where libname=upcase("&libname.");
data counts;
set &tables. indsname=ds_name end=eof; *9.3 or later;
retain count dataset_name;
if _n_=1 then count=0;
if ds_name ne lag(ds_name) and _n_ ne 1 then do;
count = count + ifn(&varname.,1,1,0); *true, false, missing; *false is 0 only;
if eof then output;
keep count dataset_name;
Macros are rarely needed for this sort of thing, and macro loops like you're writing even less so.
If you did want to write a macro, the easier way to do it is:
- Write code to do it once, for one dataset
- Wrap that in a macro that takes a parameter (dataset name)
- Create macro calls for that macro as needed
That way you don't have to deal with %scan
and troubleshooting macro code that's hard to debug. You write something that works once, then just call it several times.
proc sql;
select cats('%mymacro(name=',"&libname..",memname,')')
into :macrocalls separated by ' '
from dictionary.tables
where libname=upcase("&libname.");
Assuming you have a macro, %mymacro
, which does whatever counting you want for one dataset.