
So if I have models




and Song has many Writers

And I want to query songs such that I only get songs where all its writers have a certain field that is true, what would my solution be?

The Laravel whereHas function will get all songs that have at least one writer with that field, like so.

Song::whereHas('writers', function($query){
    $query->where('writerField', '=', true);

But what is the pure eloquent way to make sure EVERY writer related to a Song has that 'writerField' set to true?

Thanks for the down vote. An explanation would have been nice.jamesmpw
plz. add Your models code to Your question, and also describe how they have relations (field names)num8er

3 Answers


I found the answer, sorry ya'll forgot to post it.

The answer is to use the count feature and invert the query.

Song::whereHas('writers', function($query){
}, '=', 0);

I do appreciate all the responses. I thought this question was dead because of the down vote.


My realization is like this:

songs table has: id, title and etc
writers table has: id, name and etc
writers_songs table has: writer_id, song_id

class Song extends Model {
    protected $table = 'songs';

    public final function writers() {
        return $this->hasManyThrough('Writer', 'WriterSong');

class WriterSong extends Eloquent {
    protected $table = 'writers_songs'; // it has to fields: song_id, writer_id

class Writer extends Eloquent {
    protected $table = 'writers';

    public final function songs() {
        return $this->hasManyThrough('Song', 'WriterSong');

and this is how I do request:

$Songs = Song::with('writers')->whereHas('writers')->where('title', 'like', '%hello%')->get();
foreach($Songs AS $Song) {
    $Writers = $Song->writers;
    echo "Title: ".$Song->title.'<br/>';
    foreach($Writers AS $Writer) {
       echo "Writer: ".$Writer->name.'<br/>';

it's simple way than keeping additional field in songs table


I think the whereHas makes a inner join, in this case Songs with Writers so since that is the intersection between those 2 tables you are actually getting the result you are asking for. This laracast explains a bit of what I said.

By the way I also hate people who down vote and leave without saying anything!