am programming a dedicated server inside unity3d and i will run it in -batchmode and -nographics. So if i made an Console.Print(); it's doesn't anything. I started to programming something permetting to write in the console and read lines form the console. When i got started i had a lot of problems. A lot of methods/ properties aren't not recognized from System.Console but not only from Console. I need some help with this. I have read somewhere than i must removing the core called dxncore50 in a project.json but i don't have any fille called like that. But i don't have any idea if it is true and how to do it.
Here's an example of code returning me the similar error with the title.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Windows
public class ConsoleInput
public void Awake()
Console.CursorLeft = 0; //THE ERROR'S HERE