
In the SSAS AdventureWorks cube -- I don't understand why some dimensions can go directly on a query axis and others can't.

For example, this works perfectly well:

Select [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount] on Columns,
[Sales Reason].[Sales Reason].[Sales Reason] on Rows
From [Analysis Services Tutorial]; 

This doesn't give an error, but only provides a single value for all customers, not grouping by customer as I'd expect:

Select [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount] on Columns,
[Customer].[Customer].[Customer] on Rows
From [Analysis Services Tutorial]; 

I'm not understanding what's different about the Customer dimension that makes it behave differently than the Sales Reason dimension. Where should I be looking?

Check the dimension usage tab in the AW cube solution. Since I'm not near my system, can't verify, but I strongly suspect that there is no relation between 'Customer' and 'FactInternetSales'.SouravA
There is in fact a relationship - DimCustomer and FactInternetSales are linked by the Full Name attribute, which is the key on the Customer dimensionwrschneider

2 Answers


In plain AdvWrks I don't see a measure [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount] so I can't replicate the behaviour you mention.

In AdvWrks I can do these similar queries:

  [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON 0
 ,[Customer].[Customer].[Customer] ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];

Gives this:

enter image description here

  [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON 0
 ,[Sales Reason].[Sales Reason].[Sales Reason] ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works];

enter image description here

Maybe the cube you are using [Analysis Services Tutorial] has limited functionality and is only set up to address certain tutorials. Do you have the full AdvWrks cube to play with?



It turned out that in my project, after going through some of the tutorials, the identity/key attribute was renamed to [Full Name]. So, [Customer].[Customer].[Customer] does not work, but [Customer].[Full Name].[Full Name] does.