I'm working since few days on a MDX question and I dont see any issues...
Here is the context :
I have a fact table :
| Line num | Amount | Line Type | Date | DateConfirmation |
| 1 | 100 | Reservation | 01/01/2016 | 12/01/2016 |
| 2 | 50 | Reservation | 01/01/2016 | Empty |
| 3 | 80 | Reservation | 20/12/2015 | 01/01/2016 |
| 4 | 30 | DirectSales | 01/01/2016 | 01/01/2016 |
So in SSAS i have designed a cube with
Amount measure
Date dimension
Date Confirmation dimension
Then 2 date dimensions are role playing dimensions
What I need is to combine, when analysis by Date, all the reservations plus the reservations that have been confirmed at the same date of currentMember.
So i've writted this MDX :
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Sales].[Type].[All].[Confirmed Reservations]
Scope ( [Sales].[Type].[All].[Confirmed Reservations] );
Scope( MeasureGroupMeasures("Sales") , [Date].[Hierarchy].Members , [Date].[Date].Members
, [Date Confirmation].[Hierarchy].[All] , [Date Confirmation].[Date].[All] );
This = ([Sales].[Type].&[Reservation], StrToMember("[Date Confirmation].[Hierarchy]." + Right(MemberToStr([Date].[Hierarchy].CurrentMember), Len(MemberToStr([Date].[Hierarchy].CurrentMember)) - Len("[Date].[Hierarchy].") ) ), [Date].[Hierarchy].[All] );
End Scope;
End Scope;
The expected result, if I analyse the sales & reservations with the Date dimension at 01/01/2016 is
| Reservation | 150 (1+2) |
| DirectSales | 30 (4) |
| Confirmed Reservations | 80 (3) |
This works perfectly if I select in Excel only one date. But It produce very bad result when more than one date is select.
All your suggestions will be very helpfull for me ! Many thanks at all :)