The cipher tool cannot be used to encrypt Secondary User Store connection passwords. Instead, If you are manually adding a Secondary User Store Configuration file to
directory, you can use the following steps to easily encrypt it.
Step 1 :
Create the Secondary User Store Configuration xml file and remove the “encrypted” attribute present in the relevant property for Connection Password as follows. Note that the password is in plain text.
<Property name=”ConnectionPassword”>admin</Property>
Step 2 :
Now rename the xml file to have a file extension of .enc as shown below.
If the name of the xml file is xyz_com.xml, rename it to
Step 3 :
Drop the .enc file to /repository/deployment/server/userstores directory. Remember to create the “userstores” directory if it is not present.
That is all you have to do. Now you can see that the dropped file has been renamed to an xml file automatically, and when you check the file contents, the “ConnectionPassword” property has been encrypted as shown below. Note the property encrypted=“true” added to the property automatically.
<Property name=”ConnectionPassword” encrypted=”true”>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</Property>
You don’t need to restart the server for these changes to be reflected. The file gets hot deployed.
You can find more information regarding encrypting Secondary User Store passwords from this article.