I'm going through the Pro Angular tutorial. I have a question about resolving rails routes with angular routes.
I have the following code:
.state('root', {
url: "/stores",
abstract: true,
template: '<ui-view/>'
.state('products', {
url: "/products",
templateUrl: "<%= asset_path('store/templates/productList.html') %>",
controller: "productListCtrl as plCtrl"
.state('checkout', {
url: "/checkout",
templateUrl: "<%= asset_path('store/templates/checkoutSummary.html') %>"
When I go to localhost:3000 my url automatically goes to /products and displays the correct page. However, when I hit reload on my browser I get a rails error page saying that missing template products/index.
resources :stores, only: :index
get 'stores/*app', to: 'stores#index'
resources :products, only: :index
namespace :api, constraints: {format: :json}, defaults: {format: :json} do
namespace :v1 do
resources :products
root 'stores#index'
base href="/stores"
div ng-app="storeApp"
ui-view autoscroll="top"