
I already installed Visual Studio 2013 Professional version, then I download the Crystal Reports Runtime from the SAP site from this link


the problem now that I focus is when I go in VS to Add Item>> then I can not find crystal report item there even in Add/New Item/Common Items/Reporting It is the same question asked in this link Crystal Report in Visual Studio VB.NET 2013 but there is not an answer

What is the problem and what is the solution?

Thank you for any suggestion

Please i didn't get yet an answer to my problem. Can someone help me?Rodrigo

1 Answers


Maybe a odd answer, But after testing and trying multiple reporting generators

  • Microsoft Reporting
  • Syncfusion Reporting (looks a lot like MS Reporting)
  • Telerik Reporting (just try it)
  • Crystal Reports (very poor support and compatibility with newer Visual Studio versions)
  • Microsoft Word (al lot of coding, but most flexible)
  • PDF

I came up with 2 favorites.

If you can't afford to spend USD 500 for Telerik Reporting, I suggest stick to Microsoft Reporting.

In short, ditch CR and look for a better solution. ;)