
I am using a 64 bit machine(Windows 7),Visual studio 2012 ultimate(C#),asp.net I installed crystal reports 13.07 from this link http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-7824 Tha above file installs the 64 bit runtime after the normal installation as it detects that I'm using a 64 bit machine.

Things go smooth until I run the application from the visual studio. It displays a blank page in the Browser,instead of the report. I am attaching the Aspx page, aspx.cs page, Crystal reports page ,Web config page and the browser page screenshots below. How do I overcome this problem?

Aspx page:

Aspx.Cs page:

Crystal Report Page

Web Config Page

This is what Displays in Browser

Which runtime file did you install? You must install the exe for CR to get integrated with VS, the msi will not work. That is only for deployment on a client computer.campagnolo_1
I installed the CRforVS_13_0_7.exe for visual studio . It detected that I have a 64 bit machine . So It Installed the 64 bit runtime after the normal installation.ankur

1 Answers


If you use IIS Express edition. then you have no support of crystal report.

hope you will find solution

Thanks Tonmoy.