I currently try to upgrade my firmware by using Dfuse from ST. In application mode USB HS in VCP mode allow a communication between computer and µC and I use this communication and a non initialized variable for reset device and configure DFU interface with the followed code.
*/void MX_USB_DEVICE_Init(void)
if (DFU_OR_CDC==1)
/* Otherwise enters DFU mode to allow user programing his application */
/* Init Device Library */
USBD_Init(&USBD_Device, &DFU_Desc, 0);
/* Add Supported Class */
USBD_RegisterClass(&USBD_Device, USBD_DFU_CLASS);
/* Add DFU Media interface */
USBD_DFU_RegisterMedia(&USBD_Device, &USBD_DFU_Flash_fops);
/* Start Device Process */
/* Set led1 for indicate that device that device works as CDC/VCP interface */
/* If CDC is selected configure and start USB CDC interface*/
else if (DFU_OR_CDC==2)
/* Init Device Library */
USBD_Init(&hUSBDDevice, &VCP_Desc, 0);
/* Add Supported Class */
USBD_RegisterClass(&hUSBDDevice, USBD_CDC_CLASS);
/* Add CDC Interface Class */
USBD_CDC_RegisterInterface(&hUSBDDevice, &USBD_CDC_fops);
/* Start Device Process */
/* Set led2 for indicate that device that device works as DFU interface */
/*Auto select of CDC usb interface for the next plug, Reset after use of DFU mode*/
When I use only DFU by set manually the variable DFU_OR_CDC to DFU that's works fine, but if I use VCP and then DFU by using my command I have de HardFault which occur on DFU_DeInit (from example from ST), especially in free() function.
* @brief USBD_DFU_Init
* De-Initialize the DFU layer
* @param pdev: device instance
* @param cfgidx: Configuration index
* @retval status
static uint8_t USBD_DFU_DeInit (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev,
uint8_t cfgidx)
USBD_DFU_HandleTypeDef *hdfu;
hdfu = (USBD_DFU_HandleTypeDef*) pdev->pClassData;
hdfu->wblock_num = 0;
hdfu->wlength = 0;
hdfu->dev_state = DFU_STATE_IDLE;
hdfu->dev_status[0] = DFU_ERROR_NONE;
hdfu->dev_status[4] = DFU_STATE_IDLE;
/* DeInit physical Interface components */
if(pdev->pClassData != NULL)
/* De-Initialize Hardware layer */
((USBD_DFU_MediaTypeDef *)pdev->pUserData)->DeInit();
pdev->pClassData = NULL;
return USBD_OK;
The debugger indicate a UNDEFINSTR (Keil V5)with an address of 0x080089A8 for free function. UNDEFINSTR indicate that I try to branch to an address where no code is located, but I unable to understand why.
Any Help will be kind.