We have an requirement where we need to search multiple tables(more then 20) for records which matches condition. Its an Sybase database and we execute query using JDBC.
We need to form an single query so that in a single query execution we get all required data from multiple tables and we will need not to execute query multiple time for all tables.
There is no relationship between these tables.They are just log tables.
Tables : table1, table2, table3, table4
Need to get data similar to below one
select column1,column2,column3,column4
from table1, table2, table3. table4
where (table1.column1 or table2.column1 or table3.column1 or table4.column1) in (1,2,3,4)
so in whichever table we find id column matching to (1,2,3,4) needs to be fetched. The records will be present in any one of the many tables only.