I am looking for assistance for Oracle SQL query for updating table1 column3 with table2 column3 based on where clause where table3 column1 is equal to table2 column1 and table2 column2 is equal to table1 column2. Then update table1 column3 with table2 column2. I have around 500 records i need update only for specific where clause conditions.
I tried below query but no luck. Any assistance is appreciated:
UPDATE t1 set t1.column3= t2.column3
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table1 t1, table2 t2, table3 t3 on t3.column1 = t2.column1
AND t1.column2 = t2.column2
and t1.date between to_date('20190415 00:00:00', 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss')
AND to_date('20190415 15:59:59', 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss');
I expect query to execute between certain dates only.