I'm using SpringSource Tool Suite (Version: 2.7.2.RELEASE) and WebLogic 10.3.5; for 2 days, I have been trying to make remote debugging work so that I can debug Java Web applications deployed on WebLogic remotely.
I've searched and read a lot of related topics on Stack Overflow and many other Web sites, after trying hard, I'm still not able to make it work.
I use Windows 7 machine, both SpringSource Tool Suite and WebLogic 10.3.5 are installed on my Windows machine; the Java JVM is jrockit_160_24_D1.1.2-4 which comes with WebLogic 10.3.5.
Here is what I did:
Enable Debugging on the WebLogic Server: In the startWebLogic.cmd script, specify the JAVA OPTIONS with:
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
and then start WebLogic server, start node manager;Set breakpoints in my Java Web application, the application uses Struts and Java EE, set a few breakpoints in Struts Action classes and DAO classes;
Compile and build my Java Web application using Apache Ant script with debug="on" in javac task;
Deploy the Java Web application war file to a managed server on WebLogic 10.3.5, the Status of the deployed web application is "Active"; the managed server is the only managed server on my WebLogic 10.3.5;
In SpringSource Tool Suite, select Run > Debug Configuration ... select Remote Java Application, and then press the + button to create a new configuration, fill in the server info such as hostname (localhost) and port number (8000), select "Standard (Socket Attach)", and then click Debug button;
In SpringSource Tool Suite --> Debug Perspective, saw that Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM[localhost:8000] was connected, which indicates that SpringSource Tool Suite debugger is connected to my remote application and ready to debug; also saw a list of breakpoints on Breakpoints tab;
Go to a browser, access the Java Web application via the URL, perform some transactions, however, SpringSource Tool Suite doesn't stop at breakpoints as expected.
I am really stuck with it, any help would be greatly appreciated!