I setup my remote WebLogic server to debug, using these options:
-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=${DEBUG_PORT},server=y,suspend=n -Djava.compiler=NONE"
I started WebLogic on the server and saw that it was listening on 8453 for dt_socket. I added the remote server on my local Eclipse and tested the connection. I also see that the server is STARTED and I can view the details. However, I'm unable to restart in DEBUG. I also stopped WebLogic on the server and now in Eclipse I see that it is stopped, but I'm not able to start it (the icons for debug and start are greyed out). When I set up my Remote Java Application in Eclipse I did check "Allow termination of remote VM".
Before stopping the server, the debug icon wasn't disabled and when I clicked it I got this message:
Cannot attach to remote server.
Please make sure the server myserver.com is running and listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8453
Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.
Connection refused: connect