
Using Azure Data Factory, is it possible to perform a scheduled 1:1 copy/clone of all rows from multiple (not all) tables residing in an Azure SQL DB to another Azure SQL DB (in this case an Azure SQL Data Warehouse), without having to explicitly define all the table schema/structure in the Data Factory JSON datasets?

Reason I'm asking is that the Data Factory tutorials I've seen so far (such as this one) have explicitly defined table schemas for their copy activities. If we've got hundreds of tables that we want to copy, we would have to spend days writing table definitions in JSON (or script it, I guess, either case it seems like an unneccessary work effort for simply copying data).

(I should add that also the On Premise SQL -> Azure DB/DW case with ADF is of interest. Would really like to be able to periodically and affordably move data to the cloud without having to specify thousands of table schemas. ).

How were you able to move the data?Arslan Sohail

1 Answers


Azure Data Factory does not require the schema or structure definition but the data set(s) need to be defined for all the tables that are to be copied. You'll have to define the data set (with or without schema) for all tables that require copy for any source-destination combination.