I have a nested JSON stored in a Data Lake on Azure , it has this format:
{"proto": "01",
"type": "A",
"description": "heartbeat",
"geometry": {"y0_1": {"tag": "Normal",
"probability": 0.40,
"x": 39,
"y": 13},
"y0_2": {"tag": "category_3", "probability": 0.8, "x": 48, "y": 13},
"y0_3": {"tag": "Normal", "probability": 0.9, "x": 27, "y": 10},
"Test": {"proba": 0.65}}}
I want to create ADF Pipeline (with triggers) to move it from Data Lake to Azure Sql. The problem is when I create a copy Activity, the mapping isn't recognized by ADF , It creates a table with 4 columns: proto, type, description, but the 4th one geometry contains all the rest of the json file in one row. While I want to have an output table in this format:
proto type description tag probability x y proba
01 A heartbeat Normal 0.40 39 13 0.65
01 A heartbeat category_3 0.8 48 13 0.65
01 A heartbeat Normal 0.9 27 10 0.65
I tried to parse the json directly on SQL using CROSS APPLY tool, but I have trouble making the JSON to copy from ADLS to SQL directly with the wanted mapping on ADF If anyone has some guidance or any idea that I can follow, it will be much appreciated