
I have a PropertyEditor in ExtJS.

Ext.define('PropertyEditorGrid', {
   this.flexColumnGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.property.Grid', {//...
            propertychange: function (source, recordId, value,oldValue,eOpts){
               me.valueChange(me.id,recordId,value==null?null:value.toString(), oldValue==null?null:oldValue.toString());

I want to use 'propertychange' function, if the value is not suitable then print the grid cell text in red color, otherwise print in black color. I tried to use http://skirtlesden.com/articles/styling-extjs-grid-cells, but it doesn't help me.

use afteredit in that get the column el add css to itRaghavendra
i added the following function: edit: function(editor, e) { e.grid.cls = 'x-grid-wrong-value'; console.log('afteredit'); } in the css : .x-grid-wrong-value{color: #f00} i see the log message, but the text isnt redrevell
get the td el from e. it will be in e.column add class to that or use validateEdit listenerRaghavendra
i added the class: edit : function(editor, e) { console.log(e.column.el); e.column.el.addCls('x-grid-wrong-value'); } but it's not workrevell
try this solution it will help you jsfiddle.net/w8wjmj4L/2Raghavendra

1 Answers


you can do like this


in edit event

you can use validateEdit to cancel the edit if necessary..